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The Geochemist’s Workbench is a set of interactive software tools for solving problems in aqueous geochemistry, including those encountered in environmental protection and remediation, the petroleum industry, and economic geology. The new version 8ofGWB StandardcontainsThe Geochemist’s Sp...
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ChemPointis the complete data management and reporting solution for air, soil, surface water, ground water, ash, sludge, and bio-tissue analysis data, and comes with the followingfeatures. ChemPoint Professionaledition is the enhanced version of the popular ChemPoint environmental da...
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AquaChem 是一款专为进行水分析数据处理的人员定做的软件。AquaChem有一个可完全定制的含有各种物理、化学参数的数据库,提供了各种对水分析结果进行分析、计算、模拟和作图的工具。 加拿大斯伦贝谢公司,推出了AquaChem 2010.1版,新增了以下功能: 数据管理 使用SQL命令进行高级查询。 ...
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